二人の担任教師 A Pair of Professors
Audience Chamber
ジェラルト: やれやれ……。またセイロス騎士団に戻ることになっちまった。
Jeralt: I can't believe it. Forced back into the Knights of Seiros.
I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Looks like I'll be stuck here for a while…and I'm afraid your services are requested as well.
Byleth: (働くって……)(I must … work here?)
Choice 1: 傭兵として? As a mercenary?
Choice 2: 雑用係として? As a servant?
ジェラルト: いや、それが教師としてだそうだ。
Jeralt: Nothing like that. They want you to teach, by the sound of it.
You heard those brats earlier taking about the Officers Academy, right?
Well, the academy just happened to the short a professor.
And apparently that damned Alois went and recommended you to Lady Rhea.
マヌエラ: こんにちは~、あなたが新任の先生?渋くてなかなかイケてるじゃない!
Manuela: So. You must be the new professor. My, how stern and handsome you are!
ジェラルト: あーいや、俺じゃねえんだ。
Jeralt: Er, no. I'm not the one you're looking for.
no. のあとに hehe... が入る
You can handle things from here. Good luck.
ジェラルト: ……レア様には気をつけろよ。
Jeralt: And watch out for Lady Rhea.
I don't know what she's thinking, making you a professor like this. She may be up to something. Stay on your guard.
マヌエラ: まさか、あなたなの?随分、若く見えるけど……
Maunrla: Oh, It's you then? So young.
ハンネマン: なに、教師の資質さえあれば年齢は関係あるまい。
Hanneman: Competence and age are not necessarily correlated, as you well know.
I am Hanneman, a Crest scholar and professor at the Officers Academy.
I wonder if you bear a Crest of your own. When next you have a moment to spare, I insist that you pay me a visit so we can delve into the subject further.
マヌエラ: あたくしはマヌエラ。教師兼、医師兼、歌姫よ。よろしくね。
Manuela: I'm Manuela. I'm a professor, a physician, a songstress, and available. It's nice to meet you.
available (レンタルショップなどで)利用/貸出可能、現在付きあっている人がいない、彼氏募集中yupeco.icon
Choice 1: 医師……? You're a physician?
マヌエラ: ええ、講義がない時は、たいてい医務室にいるわ。
うふふ。あたくしに会いたくなったら、いつでもいらっしゃい? そしたら……
Manuela: I look too pretty for that line of work, do I? But yes, when I'm not teaching, I can be found in the infirmary.
If you're ever lonely, please do come and pay me a visit. I would love to―
Choice 2: 歌姫……? You’re a songstress? (Manuela ⤴)
マヌエラ: ここに来る前はね、歌劇団にいたの。
Manuela: Of course. Before I came here, I belonged to a renowned opera company.
Perhaps you’ve heard of me? The Mittelflank Opera Company’s beautiful, peerless―
ハンネマン: 不必要な長話は後にしたまえ、マヌエラ君。
Hanneman: Spare our colleague the needless chatter, Manuela.
Now then, it seems you’ll be taking charge of one of the academy's three houses.
I expect you haven't yet been briefed on the nature of each, have you?
-take charge of - 受け持つ、預かる、担当するyupeco.icon
マヌエラ: そういうことなら、あたくしから説明させてもらおうかしら。
Manuela: Do you really not know? Fine, I'll do you a favor and explain.
The Officers Academy is comprised of three houses of students, each of which is closely affiliated with its region of origin.
The Black Eagle House is for students from the Adrestian Empire.
Their house leader this year is Edelgard, the Imperial princess, who is in line to be the next emperor.
ハンネマン: 次に、青獅子の学級……ファーガス神聖王国から来た者が所属する。
Hanneman: The Blue Lion Houses is for students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
Their house leader this year is Prince Dimitri. He is to be the next king of Faerghus.
マヌエラ: 最後に、金鹿の学級……ここにはレスター諸侯同盟領の子が属しているわ。
Manuela: Lastly, there is the Golden Deer House, which is for students of the Leicester Alliance.
Their house leader is Claude, grandson to Duke Riegan the leader of the Alliance.
ハンネマン: 次代の皇帝、国王、盟主が揃い踏みとは、なかなかとんでもない年になりそうだな。
Hanneman: To think that the next emperor, king and sovereign duke are all here. It certainly is a promising year for the academy.
マヌエラ: ええ、本当にねえ。厄介事だけはごめんだけれど。
Manuela: I'll say. I just hope none of those little treasures cause any trouble.
ハンネマン: 今日のところは校内でも見て回るといい。我輩の部屋にも立ち寄ってくれたまえ。
Hanneman: Hm, quite. For now, I suggest taking a stroll around the academy to get your bearings. And when you've a moment, please stop by my research laboratory.
マヌエラ: あ、そうそう。あなたが教師になることは、級長以外にはまだ伝えていないから。
Manuela: The old man has a point. Oh, and keep in mind that I've only notified the house leaders that you’re our new professor. It's more fun that way.
I suggest you try spending time with the students. Some odd ducks in that bunch, but they’re good kids.
I'm sure Lady Rhea will have more information for you tomorrow, but that should get you going. Good Luck. You'll need it.
odd duck -変わり者、変人 yupeco.icon
(執務室 昼)
セテス: レア、考えを改める気はないか?あんな若者を士官学校の教師にするなど……
Seteth: Have you no intention of changing your mind, Rhea? Appointing a stranger―a child no less!― as a professor at our esteemed academy is―
レア: いいえ、もう決めたことです。
Rhea: I have made my decision, Seteth.
I know worrying comes naturally to you, but there is truly no need. That “stranger” is Jeralt's flesh and blood, after all.
"flesh and blood" は「ジェラルトの血縁者なのですよ」と捉えられるが、文字通り「ジェラルトの肉体と血」と捉えると初っ端からレアがネタバレしているとも考えられる。yupeco.icon
セテス: そのジェラルトとやらも信用できない。21年前の大火の折に失踪した男だろう?
Seteth: I can't say that's all too comforting. How trustworthy is this Jeralt character? Is he not the man who went missing after the great fire 21 years ago?
I would remind you that Flayn is now here with us as well. I beg of you… please consider whether this is an unnecessary risk.
レア: セテス……彼らは、大丈夫です。
Rhea: Seteth. They have my trust. Let that be enough for you as well.
More importantly, I have received a report from Shamir. I am increasingly concerned about a matter regarding our suspicious individual.
We cannot ignore those who harbor ill will toward the church, especially if they are frequenting Garreg Mach.
セテス: ああ、その件もあったな。引き続き調査を進めさせよう。
Seteth: Yes, that matter is of great importance as well. I shall continue my investigation.
Rhea… From now, I will have faith that you are placing your trust with the utmost care. I pray that nothing occurs to shake that confidence.